Lords future skills inquiry hears from regional experts and IfATE
Friday 26 April 2024
The House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee continues its short inquiry into the UK’s future skills needs by hearing from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
The committee will also hear from experts giving a local and regional perspective on skills needs.
The session will run from 10.30am on Tuesday 30 April and can be followed live on Parliament TV or in person in Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster.
Giving evidence at 10.30am will be:
- Jennifer Coupland, Chief Executive, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
Possible questions include:.
- What challenges doe IfATE face in trying to improve the skills of the UK workforce?
- What types of skills will be needed for the future of the UK economy?
- What should the role of employers be in encouraging the development of skills in the UK?
Giving evidence at 11.30am will be:
- Sally Andreou, Skills Hub Manager, Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Pat Jackson, Director Skills and Education, Enterprise Cheshire & Warrington
- Jane Gratton, Deputy Director for Policy, British Chambers of Commerce.
Possible questions include:
- What are the key challenges that employers and local institutions face in trying to improve the skills base of their workforce?
- Do we have the right institutions to ensure an effective skills system for the future?
- What incentives do employers have to provide training for their employees?
The Committee’s call for evidence for the inquiry is open until Thursday 30 May. Details about how to submit evidence are available on the Committee’s website.