Will Digital Markets Act end tech giants’ dominance? Lords Communications Committee to take evidence from Epic Games and Kelkoo
The House of Lords Communications Committee will next week hold an evidence session on the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024.
The Committee will hear evidence form Epic Games and Kelkoo, who have both fought legal battles with technology giants in disputes over access to their platforms, charges and self-preferencing.
In the session the Committee will also question witnesses from the Centre for Policy Studies and competition lawyers Geradin Partners.
The evidence session will start at 2:30pm on Tuesday 3 September in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords. The full witness details are:
- Bakari Middleton, Director of Global Public Policy, Epic Games
- Steve Thomas, General Counsel, Kelkoo Group
- Matthew Feeney, Head of Tech & Innovation, Centre for Policy Studies
- Tom Smith, Partner, Geradin Partners
Areas that will be covered in the session include:
- priorities and challenges for the Competition and Markets Authority in implementing the new regulatory regime;
- reviewing the behaviour from tech platforms in response to regulation, including lessons from the EU and elsewhere;
- the importance of ensuring the new regime supports rather than stifles innovation in digital markets.