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Built Environment Committee launches new inquiry into Grey Belt housing development

Friday 6 September 2024

The House of Lords Built Environment Committee has today launched an inquiry into Grey Belt development in England.

The new Government has set itself a target of building 1.5 million homes in five years and developers have warned that meeting increasing housing demand will not be achieved by only building on brownfield sites.

The Government has proposed revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and is consulting on a process for releasing Green Belt land. This includes creating a new designation of “Grey Belt” land.

This short inquiry will seek to gain a better understanding of what Grey Belt land is, how it can contribute to housing targets and what sustainable Grey Belt development looks like.

As part of its work, the committee will consider the Government’s proposed “golden rules” of the sequential test for land release, and the requirements for the delivery of affordable housing provision, infrastructure and enhanced green spaces and how they may affect the success of developments in the Grey Belt.

Lord Moylan, Chair of the House of Lords Built Environment Committee, said:

“Finding enough land for new housing will be key to whether the Government can achieve its housing targets. Designating some Green Belt land as Grey Belt may help it to do that.

“Our inquiry will look at how the Government and local authorities might identify Grey Belt areas thought suitable for development and how to ensure new homes are supported by the necessary infrastructure and local amenities.

“To inform our work we want to hear from as broad a range of people as possible. If you have a view on any aspect of our inquiry, look at our call for evidence and let us know what you think.”

The committee is seeking answers to the following questions:

1. What is your assessment of the Government’s definition of “Grey Belt”

  • a. What is your understanding of what makes a “limited contribution” to achieving the purposes of the Green Belt?

2. Do you think the Government’s Grey Belt proposals will contribute to delivering new homes across the country and, if so, how quickly?

  • a. How many new homes could be built on Grey Belt land?

  • b. Will the creation of a new Grey Belt category be a better way to deliver new homes in the Green Belt than the existing processes for redesignating Green Belt land?

3. Do the current proposals for identifying Grey Belt land provide local planning authorities with sufficient scope to meet their housing targets and the needs of local communities?

  • a. Are there any strategic considerations concerning the designation and development of Grey Belt land that may require an unusual degree of collaboration between neighbouring local authorities and, if so, what are they and how is that collaboration to be achieved?

4. Do you think the proposed sequential test for allocating land in the Green Belt for development will provide sufficient protection for “high quality” Green Belt land whilst still ensuring sufficient land is released for new housing?

  • a. The current NPPF designates specific categories of land as “areas of particular importance” which cannot be developed and would be excluded from being considered Grey Belt land. Should the Government review which areas receive this designation?

5. What infrastructure and local amenities are necessary to ensure that a Grey Belt housing development is a good place to live?

  • a. Should the identification of Grey Belt land be influenced by the proximity of public transport amenities or other services, or is this better handled through individual planning applications?

  • b. How can identified Grey Belt sites be connected with social infrastructure such as schools and health facilities?

6. The Government has pointed to disused petrol stations and car parks as instances of Grey Belt land. Are any additional special measures needed to support the potential decontamination of Grey Belt land, beyond those that are currently available?

7. The government has proposed a 50 per cent affordable housing target on Grey Belt sites. Is the current approach to viability assessments and s106 agreements able to deliver this?

8. In order to facilitate Grey Belt development, what flexibility in the process could be introduced without compromising the Government’s overall housebuilding objectives?

The deadline for the submission of written evidence is 14 October 2024.

Read the call for evidence and find out how to submit evidence.

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