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Senior HMPPS officials to give evidence on prisons

Monday 10 February 2025

Tomorrow the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee will quiz Senior HMPPS officials about the governance of HM Prison Service in England and Wales, as it continues its inquiry into prison culture: governance, leadership and staffing.

The session will look at the recruitment of leadership and officers, the professional development of staff and the overall governance structure of HMPPS.
Giving evidence will be:

  • Michelle Jarman-Howe, Chief Operating Officer of Prisons at HMPPS
  • Dominic Herrington, Executive Director of Transforming Delivery Directorate at HMPPS
  • Louise Alexander, People Director, HMPPS and Business Partnering at HMPPS

Questions the committee is likely to ask during the sessions include:

  • How does HMPPS ensure that recruitment processes for leadership roles attract competent and qualified candidates?
  • How rigorous is the officer recruitment process?
  • What is the structure of the current appraisal system for prison staff?
  • Are there structured opportunities for prisons to learn from each other and build a unified, collaborative service?
  • Can you clarify the current regional governance structure within HMPPS?
  • How does HMPPS respond to recommendations from the Chief Inspector of Prisons?

The session will take place on Tuesday 11 February 2025 at 10:30am and can be followed live on Parliament TV.

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