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House of Lords Media Notices - April 2018


UK can lead the way on ethical AI, says Lords committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Peers' Artificial Intelligence Committee publishes new report

Lords to hear evidence on post-Brexit extradition options
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords inquiry continues into UK-EU security

Government needs to rethink its commitment to citizenship, says Lords committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Citizenship and Civic Engagement Committee calls for change in new report

Freight Transport Association to give evidence to Lords EU committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

First evidence session of Committee's 'Brexit: customs arrangements' inquiry

Conservation of House of Lords murals by Daniel Maclise begins
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Royal Gallery paintings depict Battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar

Former British ambassador to Russia to give evidence to Lords Inernational Relations Committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Peers continue inquiry into UK foreign policy in a changing world

Is it time to regulate the internet Lords to hear evidence
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Legal academic experts appear before Communications Committee

UK space sector will fall behind post-Brexit
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Internal Market Sub-Committee writes to Sam Gyimah MP

What might Brexit mean for biosecurity? Lords to hear evidence
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee new inquiry

Brexit and SMEs: Lords EU Internal Market Committee to hold roundtable
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Committee will hear from experts on small and medium-sized enterprises

Lords Privileges Committee publishes report into the conduct of Lord Bassam
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Report follows Lord Bassam's self-referral to Commissioner for Standards

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