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Alzheimer's Society, Mencap and Versus Arthritis to give evidence to Lords social care funding inquiry

Later today representatives from the Alzheimer's Society, Mencap and Versus Arthritis will give evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee.

They are giving evidence to the Committee's inquiry into the funding of social care in England. 

At 4.30pm the Committee will question:

  • Dominic Carter, Policy Manager, Alzheimer's Society
  • Kari Gerstheimer, Director of Advice and Information, Royal Mencap Society
  • Tracey Loftis, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Versus Arthritis.

Questions likely to be covered in this session are:

  • How well does the current social care system in England work for people supported by your charities?
  • The Health and Social Care secretary has signalled that a national insurance for over-40s might be his preferred funding method for adult social care. Would this be a suitable way to fund social care provision?
  • How fair is the present means-tested system?
  • Can the insurance industry help to address funding challenges in social care?
  • Is there a better way of funding social care?
  • Should there be greater integration between health and social care?
  • How much of a problem is the shortage of social care workers?

This evidence session, which is open to the public, will start at 4.30pm on Tuesday 4 December 2018 in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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