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Design experts and UK ports sector to give evidence to the Lords Seaside Towns Regen Committee

On Tuesday 4 December 2018 the House of Lords Regenerating Seaside Towns Committee will be taking evidence from two panels of witnesses. The first panel will focus on the design aspects of regeneration projects, while the second focuses on the UK ports sector.

At 3.20pm the Committee will hear from Wayne Hemingway, Co-Founder of Hemingway Design, designers of Margate's Dreamland, and Mark Latham, Regeneration Director of Urban Splash, the award-winning regeneration company behind the redevelopment of Morecambe's Midland Hotel.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask these witnesses include:

  • How can good quality design be ensured in the regeneration of seaside towns?
  • What role should the public and private sectors, as well as local communities, play in fostering high design standards?
  • How can the creative industries accelerate local regeneration?
  • Some seaside towns have recaptured the spirit of innovation that characterised their original establishment and development. How can that spirit be shared?

At 4.10pm the Committee will hear from Tim Morris, Chief Executive of the UK Major Ports Group, Richard Ballantyne, Chief Executive of the British Ports Association, and Dafydd Williams, Humber Head of Communications at Associated British Ports.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask these witnesses include:

  • What broader benefits do ports bring to surrounding coastal communities?
  • How can the ports sector provide more and better training and jobs opportunities for the surrounding areas?
  • Do ports complement or compete with the tourism offer of seaside towns?
  • What is preventing or limiting further investment in coastal areas?
  • What are ‘port development zones' and how could they benefit seaside towns?

These evidence sessions, which are open to the public, will begin at 3.20pm on Tuesday 4 December 2018 in Committee Room 2A of the House of Lords.

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