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Is there a better way of funding social care?

Age UK, the Local Government Association and Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) are among the organisations giving evidence on Tuesday 11 December 2018 to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee.

They are giving evidence to the Committee's inquiry into the funding of social care in England. They will be joined by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS).

At 3.35pm the Committee will question:

  • Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director, Age UK
  • Jules Constantinou, President, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Questions likely to be covered in this session are:

  • Is Sir Andrew Dilnot's view that the means test for social care has “the worst cliff edge” in the British welfare state and requires reform correct?
  • Is a different funding settlement for different generations required? Should housing wealth be part of any solution?
  • Where should the balance lie between public and individual funding of social care?
  • How easy is the current social care funding system to understand?
  • What advice is available for those planning for their social care needs?

At 4.30pm the Committee will question:

  • Iain MacBeath, Resources Co-Lead, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
  • David Phillips, Associate Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies
  • Sarah Pickup OBE, Deputy Chief Executive, Local Government Association.

Questions likely to be covered in this session are:

  • How has funding for adult social care fared in recent years compared to local government as a whole and other public services such as the NHS?
  • What are the prospects for social care in view of the Government's shift towards financial self-sufficiency for local government?
  • To what extent are markets in social care provision encouraging choice and quality?
  • Would a national insurance for over-40s be a suitable way to fund social care provision?
  • What financial products could play a role in funding care costs?

These evidence sessions, which are open to the public, will start at 3.35pm on Tuesday 11 December 2018 in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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