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What progress has been made on fisheries cooperation? Lords to question George Eustice MP

In a one off evidence session the House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee will question George Eustice MP, Minister of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, on Wednesday 21 February. The Committee will question the Minister on two separate topics:  fisheries management and pesticides.

Last year the Committee published its report Brexit: fisheries which outlined the risks and opportunities of Brexit for the UK fishing industry. Over twelve months on, the Committee now seek to establish what progress has been made on the issues of concern that were raised.

In withdrawing from the Common Fisheries Policy, the UK will withdraw from the structures that facilitate co-operation on fisheries. But given the UK's geographical position, and that fish do not respect national boundaries, there will always be the need for some form of cooperation and Members wish to ask the Minister how that will take place.

Secondly the Committee will ask the Minister about the UK's implementation of the EU's Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides. This follows concerns that the UK Government did not respond to the European Commission's requests for information on the UK's implementation of the Directive, and that the UK appears not to be observing best practice in a number of areas.

On fisheries management, Members are likely to ask:

  • What the UK's role will be in agreeing fishing quotas for waters in which the UK has a shared interest with other nations.
  • What progress has been made in securing fishing agreements with other countries.
  • Whether the UK will follow the Common Fisheries Policy framework during the transition period.

On compliance with EU pesticides regulations, Members are likely to ask:

  • Whether the UK is fully complying with the EU Directive.
  • Why the UK differs from other Member States in some aspects of implementation.
  • How the Government is measuring whether the risk from pesticide use is reducing.

The session will begin at 10:30am in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

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