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Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General to give evidence to Lords EU Committee

On Thursday 18 January 2018 the House of Lords EU External Affairs Sub-Committee will take evidence from the UN's former Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Sir Stephen O'Brien.

This public evidence session will begin at 11am and the questions the Committee is likely to ask Sir Stephen include:

  • What are principal challenges facing the UN's Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the global response to humanitarian disasters? 
  • How significant could the UN's global compact for migration be? What are the chances of it being adopted in 2018 and would you expect it to include any binding commitments?
  • How important is the provision of humanitarian aid to conflict zones to address the migration crisis? Is enough funding being made available to support this?
  • Are the policies on migration of different international actors, such as the EU, the UNHCR, and the International Organisation for Migration, complementary?
  • Would the creation of safe and legal pathways for migration help to resolve the global migration crisis? 
  • What impact will Brexit have on the UK's global role in the development of migration policy and humanitarian response to crises?
  • As the former Prime Minister's envoy to the Sahel region, what are the most pressing challenges to be addressed in the region by the UK and EU?

This evidence session will take place at 11am on Thursday 18 January 2018 in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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