Lords to question European Free Trade Assoication on enforcement and dispute resolution post-Brexit
The House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee will meet with a senior judge and an official from the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to discuss options for the UK's legal interactions with the EU post Brexit, on Tuesday 16 January 2018.
Speaking to the Committee at 10.30am will be:
- Ms Catherine Howdle, Deputy Director, EFTA Surveillance Authority
Speaking to the Committee at 11.30am will be:
- Professor Carl Baudenbacher, Senior Judge and Former President, EFTA Court
Questions are likely to include:
- What would be the most workable alternatives to the jurisdiction of the CJEU after we leave the EU?
- Do you expect that we will see different models of enforcement and dispute resolution to deal with each aspect, namely the transitional period, the withdrawal arrangement and the future relationship?
- Is joining the EFTA Court system a realistic option if the UK does not wish to be a member of the Single Market and retain the four freedoms (movement of people, goods, capital and services)?
- What are the limitations of the EFTA system as compared to the UK's current arrangements with the EU?
The session will take place from 10.30am on Tuesday 16 January in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.
If you would like to attend the session please contact Katy Durrans on 0207 219 5986 or at durransk@parliament.uk