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House of Lords Commission recommends that changes to Lords allowances be pegged to IPSA changes to MPs' salaries from 2018

The House of Lords Commission has today published a report recommending that changes in the members' daily attendance allowance be pegged to the annual IPSA determinations for increases to MPs' salaries from 2018 onwards.

For 2018, the change to the allowances – which have been frozen since 2010 – will see them rise by 1.8% from 1 April, in line with the increase in MPs' salaries already announced by IPSA.

The Commission proposes that, in future years, changes to Lords allowances are pegged to changes to MPs' salaries – which, since 2015, have been up-rated annually in line with average public-sector earnings, as calculated by the Office for National Statistics.

A resolution of the House of Lords will be required to implement the recommendations in the Commission's report. Read the House of Lords Commissions' report.

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