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House of Lords Media Notices - November 2018





What impact is the shortage of affordable rural housing having on the rural economy? Lords to hear evidence
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

National Housing Federation representatives among witnesses before Rural Economy Committee

Government has not done enough to ensure chemical safety post-Brexit, Lords Committee finds
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee publishes report on EU chemical regulation system

House of Lords to launch independent inquiry into bullying and harassment
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

House of Lords Commission annouces investigation to run alongside Commons inquiry

 UK-EU transport after Brexit: Minister Chris Grayling to face Lords Committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Internal Market Sub-Committee to discuss arrangements for hauliers and passenger transport

Lords EU Committee to take evidence from the British Business Bank and Germany's national development bank
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Peers investigate UK particpation in the European Investment Bank post-Brexit

Ambassadors of Afghanistan and Jordan to participate in Lords EU Committee roundtable discussion
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU External Affairs Sub-Committee will discuss international development cooperation after Brexit

The Girls Breaking Barriers debate
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords chamber opens its doors to young people

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