How can we empower communities to tackle unfairness between generations?
The House of Lords Committee on Intergenerational Fairness will next week focus on the role of communities in reducing inequality between generations. The sessions will look at both community assets and the role they can play in helping younger people with issues, such as housing costs, and how more integrated communities and intergenerational engagement can reduce loneliness.
The evidence sessions start at 11:40am on Tuesday 13 November in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords. Giving evidence to the Committee will be:
- Ailbhe McNabola, Head of Research and Policy, Power to Change
- Stephen Rolph, Head of Community Assets and Enterprise, Locality
- Dr Tom Archer, Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University
- Dr Thomas Moore, Lecturer in Planning, University of Liverpool
- Oliver Lee OBE, Chief Executive, The Challenge
- Iona Lawrence, The Cares Family
- Dr Libby Drury, Lecturer in Organisational Psychology, Birkbeck University of London
In the first session, questions will focus on how community assets and community participation in services can address intergenerational imbalances in housing shortages, low pay, job insecurity and poor in-work progression, the role of local and national Government in supporting community activity and whether generational segregation is making it harder for communities to run their own services.
The second session will consider loneliness and how it impacts on different generations, whether the decline of the high street has increased loneliness and whether initiatives to reduce loneliness by bringing generations together are having proving effective.