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How important to the UK is the European Investment Bank?

On Wednesday 17 October 2018 the House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee will hear evidence on the European Investment Bank's (EIB) role in different industries and what the Brexit-related challenges and opportunities are.

At 10am the Committee will hear from:

  • Pete Clutton-Brock, Policy Advisor, E3G
  • Alex Conway, Assistant Director, Brexit and European Programmes, Greater London Authority
  • Piers Williamson, Chief Executive, The Housing Finance Corporation
  • Philip Harding, Director of Finance and Business Affairs, University College London.

Questions they are likely to face at 10am include:

  • The EIB provides cheaper financing than many commercial lenders, so how much would any loss or reduction of EIB funding increase the cost of capital for new projects?
  • How important is the EIB's appetite for longer-term projects? Why is there a lack of appetite for these in the private sector?
  • Should the UK Government try to maintain access to EIB funding post Brexit?
  • What role could current UK schemes play in replacing EIB funding, such as the UK Guarantees Schemes for infrastructure or the Affordable Housing Guarantee Scheme?
  • Should the UK seek to establish its own national financing institution?
  • How important was the Green Investment Bank (GIB) in supporting investment in green infrastructure, such as offshore wind? What impact has its privatisation had on this financing?
  • What challenges could the Government face in establishing a UK development bank? Could it be up-and-running by January 2021

This evidence session will take place from 10am on Wednesday 17 October 2018 in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords.

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