Migration Advisory Committee Chair to be questioned by Lords
On Wednesday 17th October the EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee will question Professor Alan Manning, Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) on the findings and recommendations of its report into EEA migration in the UK.
The Migration Advisory Committee recommended that a post-Brexit migration policy should allow greater access for higher-skilled migrants while restricting access for lower-skilled workers. It also found that “EEA migration as a whole has had neither the large negative effects claimed by some nor the clear benefits claimed by others”.
During this session, The Committee will have the opportunity to ask Professor Alan Manning how the MAC came to these conclusions; how lower-skilled jobs will be filled under proposals in the report; and what impact EEA migration has had on the UK economy.
The evidence session will begin at 10:45 a.m. in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords. The Committee will also ask questions including:
- The EEA migration report proposes that the Tier 2 (General) scheme retain existing salary thresholds, of £30,000 a year. Yet recent speculation has suggested that skilled workers might in fact be deemed to be those earning in excess of £50,000. What is your response to this suggestion?
- The Committee's previous report suggested that international students should continue to be counted as part of the overall migration figures. How was this conclusion reached?
- The EEA migration repory argues that “ending free movement would not make the UK unusual – for example Canada combines a relatively open policy to migration without any free movement agreement.” What evidence did the Committee take from other countries?
- If the Committee's proposals were accepted by the Government, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would treat EEA workers differently. How would the economy of the island of Ireland cope with this discrepancy?