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Impact of Brexit on UK transport, Lords to take evidence

The House of Lords EU Internal Market Sub-Committee will hear from experts in the transport industry at an evidence session on Thursday 13 September, to investigate how leaving the UK will impact UK transport. 

Giving evidence at 10.30am on Thursday 13 September will be:

  • Mr Alan Braithwaite, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
  • Dr Matthew Niblett, Independent Transport Commission
  • Mr Andrew Meaney, OXERA

Questions are likely to include: 

  • What is your broad assessment of the DfT's Brexit preparations to date?
  • How confident are you that the DfT has sufficient time and resources to develop and implement new IT systems to facilitate the new processes set out in the Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Act, should they be needed after Brexit?
  • How concerned are you at the apparent lack of detailed plans for Project Brock on the M20 to Dover?
  • Beyond the more immediate concerns related to customs and capacity, what opportunities and challenges does Brexit present for the UK's maritime sector in the medium to long term?
  • It has been reported that Network Rail may seek not to apply EU technical standards where this could save costs post-Brexit. What would be the implications of divergence from EU technical standards and interoperability requirements?

The session will take place in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords.  

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