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Lords to question MEP on preparations for Brexit transition phase

On Wednesday 5 Spetember, The House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee will question Claude Moraes MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) as part of its inquiry into the UK's justice and home affairs opt-in mechanism during the Brexit transition phase.

This evidence session follows on from the roundtable discussion held on 18 July 2018 with academics and practitioners on how the UK's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) opt-in will work during Brexit transition. The Committee will discuss UK-EU security co-operation, scrutiny of JHA opt-ins, and the opt-ins' legal status under the Withdrawal Agreement.

The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs is responsible for the protection of citizens' rights, human rights and fundamental rights in line with the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; combating discrimination; and measures concerning the entry and movement of persons, asylum and migration.

The evidence session will begin at 3:30 p.m. in Committee Room 3A. The Committee will ask the witness questions, which might include:

  • Have relevant Members of the European Parliament, and the Parliament's authorities, begun to discuss how scrutiny procedures might be adapted to account for the UK's changed role in JHA measures during the transition period?
  • Is there the possibility that the EU could, once the UK becomes a third country, insist that the UK take part in measures that the UK had previously opted out of on the grounds that they contained JHA content?
  • What avenues will be open to the UK to scrutinise or influence JHA measures during transition, once it loses its seats in the European Parliament and Council?
  • Will the opt-in provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement apply to measures with JHA content, but without a JHA legal basis?

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