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National Infrastructure Commission to give evidence to Lords EU Committee

How important is the use of public financing for the UK's infrastructure? Post Brexit how much money would a UK infrastructure finance institution need to replace the support of the European Investment Bank (EIB)?

These are among the questions the House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee will be asking the National Infrastructure Commission's Chief Executive, Phil Graham, and Chief Economist, James Richardson, on Wednesday 12 September 2018.

Other questions the Committee is likely to ask at 10.10am include:

  • What is the current state of the UK's infrastructure?
  • Why did the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) recently recommend that the Government maintain access to the EIB after Brexit?
  • Are there any specific sectors or industries that would be particularly affected by loss of EIB financing?
  • How much support did the Green Investment Bank (GIB) give to green infrastructure, such as offshore wind?
  • In terms of designing a UK infrastructure finance institution, what lessons can be learnt from the EIB or national institutions in other countries such as KFW, Germany's government-owned development bank.
  • What alternatives are there to establishing a new infrastructure finance institution? Could the remit of the British Business Bank (BBB) be expanded?

The evidence session will take place from 10.10 am on Wednesday 12 September 2018 in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords.

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