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Damian Green to face Lords questions on Brexit and devolution

Damian Green MP, First Secretary of State, will this week appear before the House of Lords EU Select Committee as it follows-up its report on Brexit and devolution.

The session will start at 14:10 on Wednesday 20 December in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

The Committee will ask Mr Green about his role on Brexit-related Cabinet Committees and his responsibility for overseeing the consequences of EU exit on devolution within the UK.  Areas the session will cover include.

  • What was the outcome from last week's Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) meeting between representatives of the UK and the devolved Governments?
  • What has the Government done to address concerns about the efficacy of the JMC as a mechanism for dialogue on Brexit between Whitehall and the devolved administrations?
  • What principles will the Government follow in its discussions with the devolved administrations on the repatriation of powers from Brussels?
  • What steps is the Government taking to address concerns by the Scottish and Welsh Governments that the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill undermines the devolution settlement?

As the power-sharing institutions in Northern Ireland have now been in abeyance for nearly a year, how will the Government ensure that the perspectives of all communities in Northern Ireland are taken into account during the Brexit negotiations?

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