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EU withdrawal bill Department for Exiting for European Union to be questioned by Lords Constitution Committee

Ministers from the Department for Exiting the European Union, the Solicitor General, and the Leader of the House of Lords will give evidence to the House of Lords Constitution Committee on Wednesday 13 December as part of its inquiry on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill.

Issues the ministers will be questioned on include: legal certainty, exit day and transition, the supremacy of EU law, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, devolution, delegated powers and scrutiny.

The Constitution Committee has already raised its concerns with the Bill in its two previous reports, in particular the lack of legal certainty, excessive powers granted to Ministers and the need for meaningful scrutiny by Parliament.

The evidence session will start at 9.45am on Wednesday 13 December in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

The witnesses will be:

  • Mr Steve Baker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union
  • Mr Robert Buckland MP, Solicitor General, Attorney General's Office
  • Mr Robin Walker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union
  • Rt Hon. the Baroness Evans of Bowes Park, Leader of the House of Lords, House of Lords

Questions are likely to include:

  • What reassurance can you give us that the Bill will provide legal certainty post-Brexit?
  • What does the Government intend to achieve by stipulating “exit day” for all purposes in the Bill?
  • Do you agree with Lord Neuberger that there is a need for clearer guidance for the courts on the interpretation of CJEU judgments after exit day?
  • Does the Bill adequately cater for the possibility of a transitional period? How do you see the powers in the Bill being used if such a period is agreed? To what extent do you think the Bill affects the shape of the devolution settlements and how are you seeking to address the concerns raised by the devolved administrations?
  • Do you believe that the House of Lords' current scrutiny mechanisms have sufficient capacity to scrutinise the 800-1,000 statutory instruments expected from the Bill?

If you would like to attend the session please contact Katy Durrans on 0207 219 5986 or at

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