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Lords EU committee to ask about the EU-27's post-Brexit priorities

Later today the House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee will be taking evidence from Karel Lannoo, Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

Questions the Committee is likely to ask Mr Lannoo at 4.30pm include:

  • What should the EU-27's priorities be for Brexit?
  • What future steps do you expect to be taken on the Banking Union?
  • How do the potential priorities of the UK and EU-27 differ on banking regulation?
  • How justified are the Commission's proposals to revise the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), particularly as regards a potential location policy for clearing houses?
  • Does the UK's exit make Capital Markets Union (CMU) more or less viable?
  • Which segments of the EU-wide financial services industry are likely to be hit hardest by Brexit?
  • Is the greater centralisation of powers within ESMA (the European Securities and Markets Authority) desirable? Will national regulators, like the FCA, lose out?

This evidence session is part of the Committee's inquiry into how financial regulation and supervision can evolve following Brexit, to ensure financial stability, and potentially to maintain equivalence or some other form of close relationship between the UK and EU regulatory regimes in order to preserve market access.

The evidence session will take place from 4.30pm on Monday 11 December in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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