Industry experts to give evidence on future of UK agriculture
The House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee will continue its inquiry into the implications of Brexit on UK agriculture on Wednesday 1 February. The Committee will hear from the Tenant Farmers Association, the Country, Land and Business Association and the Soil Association.
The Committee will explore with the witnesses what critical policy decisions the Government must consider before the UK leaves the EU; how important trade with the EU is; and whether the UK should align itself with EU standards for agricultural goods, food safety, animal welfare, pesticides and plant protections after Brexit.
At 11:00am the Committee will speak to:
- Mr Tom Macmillan, Director of Innovation, Soil Association
- Mr Tim Breitmeyer, Deputy President, Country Land and Business Association
- Mr George Dunn, Chief Executive, Tenant Farmers Association
Questions they are likely to be asked include:
- What are the implications of leaving the Common Agricultural Policy for tenant farmers, organic farming and land owners?
- What are the critical policy decisions the Government must consider and/or implement before the UK leaves the EU?
- In repatriating agricultural policy, should the Government review, diminish or strengthen regulations that affect the agricultural sector? What examples are there of legislative areas/legislation that merit de-regulation?
- How important is trade with the EU to tenant farmers, organic farming and land owners?
- How will the future trading relationship with the EU and external influences such as WTO rules affect tenant farmers, organic farming and land owners?
The evidence sessions will start at 11:00am on Wednesday 1 February and will be held in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.