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Should we worry about Russia's role in the Middle East? Lords to ask Dimitri Trenin

The House of Lords International Relations Committee will this week ask Dr Dimitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Centre, about Russia's role and influence in the Middle East as part of its inquiry into the transformation of power in the region.

Dr Trenin will give evidence via video link in a session that will start at 11:00am on Wednesday 18 January in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

Areas the Committee will explore with Dr Trenin include:

  • What are President Putin's priorities in the Middle East?
  • How will the friendship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin play out in the Middle East? In which areas are they likely to reach agreement in what areas will they clash?
  • Does Russia have ambitions in the Middle East beyond its current involvement in Syria? Is it seeking more influence in the region generally?
  • Can Russia's involvement in Syria contribute to sustainable political process there?
  • Is Russia's current level of engagement in the Middle East financially and politically sustainable? Is Putin's policy in the Middle East widely supported among Russian foreign policy elites?
  • What is the current state of UK-Russian relations? Is there any prospect of more effective cooperation between the states in regards to the Middle East

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