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Which sectors will be hit hardest by controls on EU workers?

The Chairman of JD Wetherspoon and Head of People at Pret a Manger are among witnesses giving evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee inquiry into ‘Brexit and the Labour Market' on the impact of Brexit. The Committee will also hear from representatives from the tech, manufacturing, farming and health sectors.

On Wednesday 8 March 2017 the Committee will hear evidence from:

At 2:35pm

  • Charlotte Holloway, Policy Director, techUK
  • Tim Thomas, Director of Employment and Skills Policy, Engineering Employers' Federation UK (EEF).

At 3:15pm

  • Tim Martin, Founder and Chairman, JD Wetherspoon Plc
  • Andrea Wareham, HR Director, Pret A Manger.

At 4:00pm

  • Minette Batters, Deputy President, National Farmers Union
  • David Swales, Head of Strategic Insight, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

At 4:45pm

  • Chris Cox, Director of Membership Relations, Royal College of Nursing
  • Mark Dayan, Policy and Public Affairs Analyst, Nuffield Trust.

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • How reliant are these sectors on EU migrants?
  • How long do the EU migrants working in these sectors typically stay
  • Will any sectors experience a ‘cliff edge' and be unable to recruit new workers following Brexit?
  • How should EU immigration be controlled after Brexit?
  • Is the Government too focussed on high-skilled migrants' needs?
  • To what extent could British workers replace EU workers in these sectors?
  • Should any sectors have special immigration arrangements?

The evidence session will take place at 2.35pm on Wednesday 8 March 2017 in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

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