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What could a ‘no deal' on Brexit mean for healthcare? Lords to hear evidence

The House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee will continue to take evidence for its inquiry Brexit: reciprocal healthcare on Wednesday 25 October. The Committee will hear evidence from the NHS Confederation, the British Medical Association and UK insurance associations.

Over two evidence sessions, the Committee will question the witnesses on their contingency plans in case of a ‘no deal' on Brexit; their assessment of the negotiations relating to citizens' rights so far, and the key implications for the UK health and social care sectors if reciprocal healthcare arrangements were to change or come to an end.

At 10:30am the Committee will hear from:

  • Mr Niall Dickson CBE, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation
  • Mr Raj Jethwa, Director of Policy, British Medical Association

At 11:15am the Committee will hear from:

  • Mr Hugh Savill, Director of Regulation, Association of British Insurers
  • Mr Stuart Scallion, Executive Chairman, Association of Medical Insurers and Intermediaries

Questions the Committee are likely to ask include:

  • Whether the provisions of the EU Withdrawal Bill should be amended, clarified, or added to in order to secure appropriate arrangements for reciprocal healthcare on Brexit day, during a transitional arrangement, and in the future
  • The options currently available for a future agreement on healthcare
  • If the cost of travel insurance will increase post-Brexit if the EHIC scheme were to end
  • If there are any groups who are likely to face higher premiums on medical and travel insurance after Brexit, and whether higher premiums would affect everyone equally

The evidence session will begin at 10:30am on Wednesday 25 October and take place in Committee room 3 of the House of Lords.

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