Brexit and consumer services: CMA's Deputy General Counsel and Consumer Law Director to give evidence
Representing the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Mr Roland Green, Deputy General Counsel, and Mr Jason Freeman, Director, Consumer Law, will be giving evidence to the EU Justice Sub-Committee as part of its inquiry into the impact of Brexit on consumer protection on Tuesday 12 September.
The CMA is a non-ministerial department that works ‘to promote competition for the benefit of consumers, both within and outside the UK.' Its aim is ‘to make markets work well for consumers, businesses and the economy.'
The areas likely to be covered in the evidence session include:
- What role the CMA plays in protecting consumers nationally and across the EU's single market.
- How the CMA has improved EU consumers' protection rights.
- The impact Brexit is likely to have on consumer protection standards, and to what extent Brexit poses a danger to the CMA's ability to protect UK consumers here.
- Which aspects of the EU's consumer protection regime, if any, the CMA would wish to see retained when the UK leaves the EU.
- Whether the CMA is concerned that consumer protection has not so far appeared in detail in the Government's Brexit plans, and what advice the CMA would give the Government.
The evidence session will take place at 10:45am, Tuesday 12 September 2017 in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.