Nuclear Safeguards Bill returns to the Lords
7 June 2018
The Nuclear Safeguards Bill returned to the House of Lords on Wednesday 6 June for consideration of Commons amendments in 'ping pong'.
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- Read the Lords Hansard transcript
- Bills and legislation: Nuclear Safeguards Bill
- Lords Library briefing: Nuclear Safeguards Bill: Briefing for Lords Stages
- What is consideration of amendments/ping pong?
Members discussed the proposed insertion of a new clause to the bill, an alternative suggested by the Commons, regarding arrangements for the UK's withdrawal from Euratom.
As both Houses have agreed on the text of the bill it now awaits Royal Assent when the bill will become an Act of Parliament (law).
Royal Assent is yet to be scheduled.
Lords third reading: Tuesday 27 March
No changes were suggested to the bill at third reading. The bill now returns to the Commons for consideration of Lords amendments.
Lords report stage: Tuesday 20 March
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- Lords divisions (votes) results
- What is report stage?
Members discussed the definition of civil activities, agreements on nuclear safeguards after withdrawal from the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the UK's accreditation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
There were also two divisions (votes) on proposed changes (amendments) to the bill.
Members considered a change requiring the government to request the suspension of UK withdrawal from Euratom unless agreements are reached on nuclear safeguarding before withdrawal from the European Union.
265 members were in favour of this amendment, with 194 against, and so the change was made.
The next vote was on the report on nuclear safeguards that the Secretary of State will produce and including information on future arrangements with Euratom, such as:
- information relating to nuclear research and development
- the import and export of qualifying nuclear material
244 members were in favour with 194 against, so this change was made.
Lords committee stage day two: Thursday 1 March
Members discussed subjects including the freedom of employment for specialists in the energy sector, required agreements before UK withdrawal from Euratom and proposals for the Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) to become a non-ministerial government department.
Lords committee stage day one: Thursday 22 February
- Catch up on Parliament TV - part one
- Catch up on Parliament TV - part two
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript - part one
- Read the Lords Hansard transcript - part two
- What is committee stage?
Members discussed subjects including reports on implementation of agreements reached with the Euratom on nuclear safeguards and access to medical radioisotopes.
Lords second reading: Wednesday 7 February
- Catch up on Parliament TV
- Read the transcript in Lords Hansard
- Bills and legislation: Nuclear Safeguards Bill
- Lords Library briefing: Nuclear Safeguards Bill: Briefing for Lords Stages
- What is second reading?
Members discussed a number of subjects covered by the bill including the supply of medical radioisotopes and the civil nuclear sector.
Nuclear Safeguards Bill
The purpose of the Bill is to establish a new domestic safeguarding regime for the UK’s civil nuclear industry following the UK’s departure from the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). The Bill provides for the expansion of the remit of the UK regulator, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), and would enable the UK to enter new international agreements on nuclear safeguarding outside Euratom.