Lords examines Registration of Marriage Bill
2 July 2018
The Registration of Marriage Bill had its committee stage, the first chance for line by line scrutiny, in the Lords on Friday 29 June.
This is a private member's bill. A private member's bill is a type of public bill (that affects the public). Private members' bills must go through the same set of procedures as other public bills.
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- Bills and legislation: Registration of Marriage Bill
- Lords Library note - Registration of Marriage Bill [HL]: Briefing for Lords Stages
- What is committee stage?
This bill would reform the marriage registration system in England and Wales, from a paper-based system to electronic registration. This will facilitate change to the register entry both now and in the future, including a line for the inclusion of each spouse's mother in the marriage entry, and create a more secure system for the maintenance of marriage records.
Members discussed subjects including amending the Marriage Act 1949 to allow for documents to be held on a central electronic register and amending the Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Acts 1915 and 1916 so that they no longer apply in England and Wales.
Report stage, a further chance to examine the bill and make changes, is yet to be scheduled.
Second reading
The Registration of Marriage Bill had its second reading, the key debate on the draft law's purpose and principles, on 26 January 2018.
Lords news: Private member's bills January 2018