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House of Lords back to business

13 April 2018

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords is back to business on Monday 16 April. Get the latest on the work of the House on draft laws, debates on key issues and committee scrutiny.


Civil Liability Bill

The bill aims to update the law around damages for whiplash injuries.

The bill has its second reading, the key debate on the purpose and principles of the draft law, on Tuesday 24 April.

European Union (Withdrawal) Bill

The bill aims to repeal the European Communities Act 1972 and incorporate EU law into UK law on the day the UK leaves the EU.

Report stage, a further chance to check the draft law and make changes, is scheduled to begin on Wednesday 18 April.

Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Bill

The bill aims to allow for the introduction of administrative systems for haulage permits and a trailer registration scheme, which may be needed post-Brexit.

Report stage, a further chance to examine the bill and make changes, is scheduled for 17 April.

Smart Meters Bill

The bill aims to extend existing powers to develop regulations related smart meter licenses and to give Ofgem new powers to use smart metering data.

The bill is scheduled to begin committee stage, the first chance for line by line scrutiny, on Tuesday 24 April.

Lords private members' bills

Private members' bills are public bills (that affect the general public) put forward by individual members rather than by the government. Private members' bills go through the same set of procedures as other public bills.

The bill aims to enhance the protection available for bat habitats in the vicinity of a building site.

The bill has its second reading, the key debate on the purpose and principles of the draft law, on Thursday 27 April.

The bill aims to introduce a duty for local authorities to monitor the educational, physical and emotional development of children receiving elective home education.

Committee stage, the first chance for line by line scrutiny, is scheduled for Friday 27 April.

The bill aims to reform the marriage registration system in England and Wales, from a paper-based system to electronic registration.

Committee stage, the first chance for line by line scrutiny, is scheduled for Thursday 19 April.

All parliamentary business is subject to change.

Lords committee news

Forthcoming reports

House of Lords select committees investigate broad, long-term issues and write reports on their findings. The following committees are expected to publish findings from their most recent inquiries:


Select committee reports are debated in the House of Lords, allowing members of the committee to bring their findings to wider attention, as well as providing a further opportunity for members of the House to question the government.

The Committee investigated the long-term sustainability of the NHS. It published its report on 5 April 2017. The government responded on 20 February 2018.

The House of Lords will debate the report on Tuesday 17 April.

The EU External Affairs Sub-Committee investigated sanctions policy post-Brexit. It published its report on 17 December 2017. The government responded on 26 February 2018.

The House of Lords will debate the report on Tuesday 17 April.

Evidence sessions

Committees meet people, organisations and government representatives during their investigations to question them and hear different viewpoints. The following committees have public meetings scheduled this week:

New inquiries and calls for evidence

The Constitution Committee announced a new call for evidence on its inquiry into the legislating process.

The deadline for written submissions is 5pm on Monday 16 April 2018.

The Liaison Committee announced a new call for evidence on its inquiry into House of Lords investigative and scrutiny committees.

The deadline for written submissions is Monday 20 April 2018.

The Communications Committee announced a new call for evidence on its inquiry into regulation of the internet.

The deadline for written submissions is Friday 11 May 2018.

Further information