Lords debates Good Friday Agreement
12 October 2018
Members of the Lords, including a former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and a former First Minister of Northern Ireland, debated the impact on the Good Friday Agreement of the UK's withdrawal from the EU, in the House of Lords on Thursday 11 October.
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- Read the Lords Hansard transcript
- Lords Library note - Leaving the European Union: Impact on the Good Friday Agreement
This was a general debate. They normally take place on a Thursday in the chamber. During debates, members are able to put their experience to good use, discussing current issues and drawing the government's attention to concerns.
The debate was proposed by Lord Dubs (Labour), member of the British-Irish Assembly and former parliamentary under-secretary in the Northern Ireland Office.
Members taking part included:
- Lord Alderdice (Liberal Democrat), former leader of the Alliance Delegation to the Northern Ireland Multiparty Talks
- Lord Bew (Crossbench), professor of Irish politics at Queen's University Belfast
- Lord Murphy of Torfaen (Labour), former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
- Lord Trimble (Conservative), former First Minister of Northern Ireland
Lord Duncan of Springbank (Conservative), parliamentary under-secretary in the Northern Ireland Office, responded on behalf of the government.
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Image: iStockphoto