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MPs ask about the planned US withdrawal from nuclear treaty

25 October 2018


Fabian Hamilton, Shadow Defence Minister, asked an urgent question in the House of Commons on the planned US withdrawal from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty (INF).

Following confirmation from US national security adviser, John Bolton, that the United states will withdraw from the INFR treaty, Fabian Hamilton asked the Government an urgent question in the House of Commons on the subject.

The treaty, signed by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and former US president Ronald Reagan in 1987, banned ground-launched medium-range missiles, with a range of between 500 and 5,500km (310-3,400 miles).

Mark Field, Foreign Officer Minister responded saying:

"In the interests of preserving the treaty to which, we the UK and all of our allies in Europe remain fully committed. We urge Russia to address these concerns in a substantial and transparent way and to come back into full compliance with the treaty."

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