Lords debates Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill
25 February 2020
Members of the Lords discussed the key principles and purpose of the Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill during second reading and all remaining stages, on Monday 24 February.
- Catch up on Parliament TV - part one and part two
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- Lords division (votes) results
- Bills and legislation: Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release)Bill
- Lords Library note - Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill: Briefing for Lords Stages
- Stages of a bill in the Lords
Lord Keen of Elie (Conservative), government spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice, opened the debate on the bill and responded on behalf of the government.
Speakers in the debate included a former Lord Chancellor, a former Metropolitan Police Commissioner, lawyers and human rights campaigners.
Members debated the key principles and main purpose of the bill (second reading). The remaining stages of the bill followed and a change requiring a review on the new law after one year was voted on. 49 members of the Lords voted in favour of the amendment and 165 voted against, and so the change was not made.
Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the bill it received Royal Assent on 26 February.
Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Bill
This bill aims to ensure that terrorist offenders are not automatically released before the end of their custodial term without agreement of the Parole Board.
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Image: PA