Prime Minister's Questions: 26 February 2020
26 February 2020
In PMQs this week MPs asked the Prime Minister about flooding, traveller sites, delay in the delivery of the Maidstone East line, the climate emergency, immigration and more.
Questions from the Leader of the Opposition
The Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, began by sending his thoughts to those around the world who are suffering with Coronavirus. He also praised global medical emergency staff.
He said "1000s of people across the country are also still struggling with the devastating impact of the floods. He then went on to pay tribute to the Environment Agency, Scottish and Welsh Government, council staff, fire service and community volunteers.
Mr Corbyn asked the Prime Minister:
- Whether the Prime Minister agrees that he has "turned his back on people affected by the floods". He questioned why a Cobra meeting had not been set up and if the Government has done anything to prevent floods happening again.
- Why the Government is "investing less than half of the amount of money the Environment Agency of England says is necessary to improve flood defences across the country."
- 20,000 homes are not protected by the Government insurance scheme or protected by flood defences. Mr Corbyn asked "isn't it time the Prime Minister found a very urgent solution to this problem? Just imagine what it's like living in a home that's in danger of being flooded, you can't get it insured, if you own it you can't sell it or can't move. You are totally stuck. They are looking for the Government to help them out at a time of crisis."
Questions from the Scottish National Party's Westminster Leader
The SNP's Westminster Leader, Ian Blackford, asked about immigration in Scotland
Mr Blackford asked the Prime Minister:
- Whether the Prime Minister thinks it was a mistake to reject the Scottish Government's proposals for a visa system.
- Whether Scottish businesses "matter" to the Prime Minister following the Government's proposed points-based immigration system, which "can tip businesses over the edge."
Catch up with the full Prime Minister's Questions
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Image: UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor