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Lords questions government on education and child safety online

10 June 2020

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

On Thursday 11 June, business started in the House of Lords with daily oral questions on the exposure of young people to harmful content, Authorised Push Payment fraud, the NHSX Covid-19 contract tracing application, and the levels of projected unemployment for the next 12 months.

You can watch the full session on Parliament TV. A transcript will also be available via Lords Hansard around three hours after proceedings, and a short summary of what was discussed will be available on this page.

Questions on Thursday 11 June:

  • Lord Clement-Jones asked the government about research by the British Board of Film Classification on the exposure of children and teens to harmful or upsetting content while in lockdown.

    Topics discussed include: measures for online age verification; BBFC classifications on video on demand platforms; online harms legislation; and government pressing digital companies to allocate resources to tackling harm online.


  • Baroness Ludford asked the government about its plans to introduce legislation requiring banks to reimburse their customers who have been subject to Authorised Push Payment fraud.

    Topics discussed include: losses by victims of scams; powers to enforce reimbursement; the numbers of transactions covered by the Contingent Reimbursement Model Code; additional protections against fraud; rolling out confirmation of payee checks; liability sitting with the banks of victims or perpetrators of fraud; sanctions for banks that delay the implementation of confirmation of payee checks.


  • Lord Hain asked the government what steps it is taking to protect personal privacy on the Isle of Wight in the trial of the NHSX Covid-19 contact tracing application.

    Topics discussed include: government disclosure of how the contact tracing app works; working with communities including women's organisations to create confidence and reassure the public about using the app; Isle of Wight residents consenting to new updates of the app; publishing the performance data from the trial; informing participants that the management of their data would be contracted out to a private company; the epidemiological reasons for data from the app being held for 20 years; ensuring public trust in the test and trace program; and working with the Irish government to develop the app.


  • Lord Randall of Uxbridge asked the government about levels of projected unemployment for the next 12 months.

    Topics discussed include: initiating green infrastructure projects to provide jobs; targeted help for the hardest hit areas of the economy; a bespoke system of support for the self-employed; the potential impact of tax rises on businesses; adjusting the universal credit system and supporting the unemployed back into work; changing the 2 metre social distancing rule to 1 metre; including sustainable development goals at the heart of the economic recovery plan; and the number of people who will lose their jobs as a result of the 2 metre social distancing rule.


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