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Online ballot for Select Committee Chair posts

6 May 2020


On Wednesday 6 May, MPs took part for the first time in an online ballot for two Select Committee Chair posts. The vacancies were for the Chairs of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee and the Committee on Standards.

Daren Jones was elected Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee and Chris Bryant was elected Chair of the Committee on Standards. Both Chairs will take up their posts immediately.

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee Chair

In the ballot for Chair of the BEIS Committee, 544 votes were cast. The counting went to two rounds. Darren Jones was elected Chair with 296 votes in the second round.

Committee on Standards Chair

In the ballot for Chair of the Committee on Standards, 540 votes were cast.  Chris Bryant was elected Chair with 332 votes.

The ballot

Who were the candidates?

Nominations closed on Monday and a booklet of candidates is available here.

How do MPs usually vote in the ballot?

Usually, MPs vote in person in Select Committee Chair ballots, but during the Coronavirus pandemic, the House has agreed new temporary procedures that enable MPs to participate remotely.

When did the ballot take place?

The ballot will took place between 10am and 2pm on Wednesday and was run on behalf of the House by Civica Election Services. It was a secret ballot.

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