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Lords questions government on a UK-EU trade deal and childhood obesity

1 September 2020 (updated on 7 September 2020)

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The House of Lords questions government activities and decisions in Lords questions at the start of business from Wednesday 2 September to Thursday 3 September 2020.

This week, members press the government on issues including childhood obesity, COVID-19 payment schemes, a UK-EU trade deal and the UK Commission for Aid Impact.

Catch up: Wednesday 2 September

The Earl of Clancarty (Crossbench) questions the government about its progress on a trade deal between the UK and the EU in respect of non-financial services.
Members discussed subjects including freedom of movement across the EU for UK workers, revenue to the Treasury from non-financial services and government targets for global free trade agreements.

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb (Green Party) quizzes the government on the total amount of public investment in carbon intensive sectors in comparison to the Green Investment Fund.
Members discussed topics including government commitment to the Green Investment Bank, progress of discussions on sustainable aviation, the collapse of the aviation sector and its impact on the environment, and investments into green hydrogen and clean battery production.

Lord Dubs (Labour) presses the government on tackling childhood obesity.
Members discussed subjects including multinational companies profiting from unhealthy product sales, educating whole families to encourage behavioural change and the importance of school nurses.

Baroness Sherlock (Labour) challenges the government on the COVID-19 payment scheme eligibility criteria for people self-isolating and unable to work from home.
Members discussed topics including the current criteria to determine local lockdowns, financial benefits for those having to self-isolate in areas with low cases of COVID-19 and government funding for mental health support of those who must self-isolate.

Baroness Sheehan (Liberal Democrat) asks the government an urgent question (private notice question) on whether it will maintain 0.7% of GNI on Aid following the merger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development.
Members discussed topics including government commitments on aid spending, the World Health Organisation and cuts to the aid budget as a result of a reduction in GNI.

Catch up: Thursday 3 September

Baroness Sheehan (Liberal Democrat) quizzes the government on the quality of the work carried out by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact.
Members discussed subjects including the UK’s progress on international climate finance, advantages of the new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the forthcoming ICAI review.

Lord Colgrain (Conservative) presses the government on increasing the rate of tree planting.
Members discussed subjects including the import of diseased saplings, the impact on ancient woodland from building HS2 and strategies to improve UK’s woodland cover.

Lord Rooker (Labour) questions the government about adding folic acid to flour.
Members discussed subjects including the effect of folic acid on pregnancies, using influencers to encourage women to eat leafy green vegetables, and support for women with unplanned pregnancies and at-risk groups.

Baroness Thornton (Labour) asks government about plans to publish scientific advice informing decisions to lift COVID-19 restrictions in local areas.
Members discussed subjects including access to testing in low infection areas, public information portals concerning lockdown restrictions and the impact of local lockdowns on domestic abuse victims.

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