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May 2021

Read all the UK Parliament news for May 2021.

Total results 30897 (page 263 of 2060)
Beth y mae cynlluniau Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer codi’r gwastad yn golygu i Gymru?
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn clywed gan Neil O'Brien AS, y Gweinidog dros Lefelu i Fyny, Yr Undeb a Chyfansoddiad, ar lefelu a chysylltiadau rhynglywodraethol
18 March 2022
What do the UK Government’s levelling up plans mean for Wales?
Welsh Affairs Committee hears from Neil O’Brien MP, Minister for Levelling Up, The Union and Constitution, on levelling up and intergovernmental relations
18 March 2022
What's on in the Lords 21-25 March
Discover what's on in the House of Lords from 21-25 March
18 March 2022
Houses of Parliament at night, lit up with the ruiver Thames in the foreground
Evidence session: How do women and girls experience the UK asylum process?
Women and Equalities Committee hears the experience of women and girls applying for asylum in the UK
18 March 2022
Government’s approach to personal health data sharing examined
Science and Technology Committee explores the right to privacy: digital data
18 March 2022
Lords International Women's Day debate
Members discuss the UK's role in furthering gender equality. Catch up
18 March 2022
Ongoing legacy of historic adoption practices revealed in published evidence
Joint Committee on Human Rights publishes first tranche of written evidence
18 March 2022
Martin Lewis and energy providers to be quizzed by Business Committee
Government’s support measures for struggling households scrutinised
18 March 2022
Benefits from new trade agreements extremely uncertain while risks of slipping standards, increased costs and revenue losses remain
Public Accounts Committee publishes report on the progress with trade negotiations
18 March 2022
Parliament was not given enough of a say on Covid laws, conclude MPs
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee calls for more detail on the timetable for the UK Covid-19 inquiry
18 March 2022
Office for Environmental Protection discuss environmental protection strategy and enforcement 
Environmental Audit Committee question Chair and Chief Executive
17 March 2022
Register now for adoption roundtable event
Committee to hold an event to hear from mothers whose babies were taken away for adoption in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s
17 March 2022
Defence Minister to give evidence to Scottish Affairs Committee
Scottish Affairs Committee questions the the Minister on Defence in Scotland
17 March 2022
MPs seek answers on Bulb hedging ban costing taxpayer billions
Chair writes to the Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng
17 March 2022
Oral evidence session on critical national infrastructure and climate adaptation
Committee to take evidence on critical national infrastructure and climate adaptation
17 March 2022
Total results 30897 (page 263 of 2060)