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The Independent Expert Panel (IEP) finds Mike Hill breached Parliament’s Sexual Misconduct Policy

20 May 2021


The Independent Expert Panel (IEP) has today published their report which finds Mr Mike Hill, former member for Hartlepool, breached Parliament’s Sexual Misconduct Policy.

On 16 March Mr Hill resigned from the House. The report is of decisions of the Panel on appeal and sanction made following a referral from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. 

The Reporter made a complaint under the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme of the House of Commons. The Reporter alleged breaches of Parliament’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, namely that Mr Hill subjected her to behaviour amounting to sexual misconduct in shared private accommodation and in his parliamentary office, and that the Responder victimised and discriminated against her in the workplace because she had made the allegations. 

The IEP is independent of any legal proceedings.

Sir Stephen Irwin, Chair of the IEP has said: “The sub-panel took a very serious view of his conduct, and had he remained a Member of Parliament, a significant sanction would have been under consideration. In the light of his resignation however, the sub-panel concluded that no available sanction met the facts of this case and the specific circumstances of the Responder. They therefore did not impose or recommend a sanction.

“Despite the requirements of confidentiality placed on both the Reporter and the Responder during the ICGS process, allegations of sexual harassment and victimisation have previously been made public through the press and social media channels. I consider that it is correct to publish this decision given both the serious nature of Mr Hill’s breach of the Sexual Misconduct Policy and the degree of publicity that has already taken place.”

The Speaker, as a result of the IEP report findings, has authorised that Mike Hill should be denied a former Member pass from 11 am Thursday 19 May 2021.

The full report is available here

The Panel 

The members of the IEP are as follows: Mrs Lisa Ball, Monica Daley, Mrs Johanna Higgins, Sir Stephen Irwin (Chair), Professor Clare McGlynn, Miss Dale Simon, Sir Peter Thornton, Dr Matthew Vickers

Further details of the members can be found on the IEP webpages here.

Read the 23 June 2020 debate on the IEP in Hansard.