November 2021
Read all the UK Parliament news for November 2021
Brexit: the EU data protection package report debated in the Lords
Lords debate Brexit: the EU data protection package
11 October 2017
Lawyers give evidence on post-Brexit financial regulation and supervision
EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on 11 October at 10.15am
11 October 2017
Civic engagement of young people investigated by Committee
Citizenship and Civic Engagement Committee hears evidence on 11 October at 10.30am
11 October 2017
Government missing opportunities to turn equality intention into legislation
Government fails to engage with Committee's clear, practical options for post Brexit equality rights
11 October 2017
Academics and auditors give evidence on reciprocal healthcare after Brexit
EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee takes evidence on 11 October 2017 at 10.30am
11 October 2017
Ruth Lea and John Longworth give evidence on Brexit prospects
EU Committee takes evidence on 10 October at 4.05pm
10 October 2017
Lord Adonis, Lord Willetts and Paul Johnson questioned by Committee
Economic Affairs Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 October at 3.35pm
10 October 2017
Academics and journalists give the 'big picture' on AI
Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence takes evidence on Tuesday 10 October at 3:45pm
10 October 2017
Four Committees relaunch a joint inquiry on air quality
Four Committees team up to scrutinise Government plans to reduce harmful effects of air pollution
10 October 2017
Is the Government committed to protecting the natural environment?
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 Committee takes evidence on 10 October at 11.05am
10 October 2017
Backbench Business Committee: MPs request debates
Watch MPs request debates on subjects including tobacco and carbon capture and storage
10 October 2017
Community Transport inquiry launched
Transport Committee launches inquiry into licencing arrangements for community transport minibuses and broader sector
10 October 2017
Ofcom questioned on Fox/Sky merger, BBC regulation and Brexit
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee discusses the work of Ofcom
10 October 2017
Opinion mining and research companies give evidence on polling
Political Polling and Digital Media Select Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 October at 10.45am
10 October 2017
Financial Conduct Authority briefs Committee on Brexit and consumer protection
EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence on Tuesday 10 October at 10.45am
10 October 2017
In this section
November 2021
- What's on in the Lords 22-25 November
- Disability History Month at the House of Lords
- What's on in the Lords 15-19 November
- Lord Speaker addresses COP26 meeting
- Lords presses government on health and social care issues
- What's on in the Lords 8-10 November
- What's on in the Lords 1-4 November
- UK Parliament Week at the House of Lords
November 2021