November 2021
Read all the UK Parliament news for November 2021
The Economic Affairs Committee following dissolution
30 March 2015
International Development Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
Business, Innovation and Skills Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
General Election 2015 - Education Committee
30 March 2015
General Election 2015 - Health Committee
30 March 2015
The Committee and the Dissolution of Parliament
30 March 2015
European Scrutiny Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
General Election 2015 - Communities and Local Government Committee
30 March 2015
Membership of the committee during the 2010 Parliament
30 March 2015
The Constitution Committee following dissolution
30 March 2015
Finance and Services Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
Justice Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
Committees on Arms Export Controls membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
Health Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
30 March 2015
Regulatory Reform Committee membership at the end of Parliament 2010-15
View the membership of the Committee at the end of 2010-15 Parliament
30 March 2015
In this section
November 2021
- What's on in the Lords 22-25 November
- Disability History Month at the House of Lords
- What's on in the Lords 15-19 November
- Lord Speaker addresses COP26 meeting
- Lords presses government on health and social care issues
- What's on in the Lords 8-10 November
- What's on in the Lords 1-4 November
- UK Parliament Week at the House of Lords
November 2021