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Members raise topical and current issues in Grand Committee debates

27 October 2021 (updated on 27 October 2021)

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On Thursday 28 October, the House of Lords debated social care, accommodation for those with autism with autism, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and business with Africa.

Lords Thursday debates

One Thursday, about every four to five weeks, the House of Lords holds four short debates in Grand Committee. The debates start at 1pm, each debate lasts for one hour.

Social care

Members discussed the possible role of the private sector helping people to pay for social care, in a debate put forward by Lord Lipsey (Labour).

Learning difficulties and autism

Members debated government plans to prevent people with learning difficulties or autism from being detained in secure settings when an assessment has recommended they should live in the community, put forward by Baroness Hollins (Crossbench).  

Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Members debated the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, put forward by Lord Bowness (Non-affiliated).

Business opportunities with Africa

Members debated commercial opportunities for UK businesses in African markets and support for UK exports to Africa, put forward by Lord Popat (Conservative). 

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Find out about all the issues members discussed: catch up on Parliament TV or read the transcript in Lords Hansard.

Explore further information

Read the House of Lords Library briefings for the debates: 

Short debates

Short debates are an opportunity for members to raise concerns to the government and hold it to account. They last for about 60 minutes, a minister or spokesperson responds on behalf of the government at the end.

Learn more about how the House of Lords checks and challenges government.  

Image: Copyright House of Lords 2021