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Declaration by the Speakers and Presidents of Parliament of the G7 on the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine

16 March 2022

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Extraordinary virtual meeting on 16 March 2022

We, the Speakers and Presidents of Parliament of the G7, condemn the Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine in the strongest possible terms. The large-scale military aggression, with Belarusian support, violates Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence.

We are appalled by the brutal violence and express our full solidarity with Ukraine and its desire to live in freedom and democracy. In this context, we are conscious of who bears political responsibility for this war, and explicitly make a distinction between the Russian state and the Russian people, who are not the proponents of this war.

We call on the Russian Federation to cease hostilities immediately and withdraw its forces from Ukraine. The attack by the Russian Federation constitutes a serious breach of international law, as it violates the prohibition of the use of force enshrined in Article 2 (4) of the Charter of the United Nations and Russia’s obligations under the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris and the Budapest Memorandum.

We welcome bilateral and multilateral efforts to bring about a ceasefire and pave the way for negotiations. We strongly urge the Russian Federation to abandon any preconditions for these negotiations, particularly those with respect to its unlawful territorial claims. A lasting solution to conflict can never be achieved by force, only by diplomatic means. We unconditionally support Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders and territorial waters.

We urge the Russian Federation to comply with international humanitarian law. The civilian population must not continue to be the target of military operations or become the victim of war crimes. We underline that the International Criminal Court has already opened an investigation into the war in Ukraine following growing alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, including bombing of a maternity hospital and shelling of civilian targets.  Perpertrators must be brought to justice. Humanitarian corridors should serve the protection of vulnerable groups of people and are necessary to convey essential supplies to the population. The hostilities must not develop further into a humanitarian catastrophe as a result of blockades. We therefore appeal to the Russian military leadership to refrain from attacks on civilian objects, to ensure the safety of medical facilities and personnel, and to respect the humanitarian corridors. This includes immediately ceasing military actions at nuclear power plants and ensuring their proper operation under IAEA supervision, to avoid further endangering nuclear safety.

We have witnessed our parliaments affirm their responsibility to help and take in people fleeing Ukraine as a result of the war, and to support the states which, as neighbouring countries, have a particular humanitarian task to fulfil. We stand side by side with the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada and its freely elected parliamentarians. We will work closely with our governments to ensure appropriate response to the serious, real and growing threat to freedom, democracy and the rule of law. We will also further contribute to the international and economic isolation of the Russian Federation and to the fight against disinformation. We express our full support for the Ukrainian people and their democratically elected government – and for the courageous Russians standing up in their country for free reporting and an end to the war.

We are fully committed to the rules-based order of the international community, and are determined to play our part in restoring peace in Europe and ensuring, by diplomatic means, lasting stability on the continent. In this context, we urge to explore the option of a future Peace Conference based on the full reaffirmation of the rights of the Ukrainian people.




Vice-President of the German Bundestag



Roberto FICO

President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies



Hiroyuki HOSODA

Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan


United Kingdom

Sir Lindsay HOYLE

Speaker of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom


European Union

Roberta METSOLA          

President of the European Parliament


United States of America


Speaker House of Representatives of the United States



Anthony ROTA

Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada




Vice-President of the French National Assembly