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Parliament presents Addresses to His Majesty King Charles III

12 September 2022

King Charles III speaks in Westminster Hall

The Speakers of both Houses of Parliament presented addresses to His Majesty King Charles III, accompanied by The Queen Consort, in Westminster Hall on Monday 12 September 2022.

The Speakers presented Addresses of condolence on behalf of each House, which The King responded to. 

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Read more from each House


Following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, both Houses of Parliament met at noon on Friday 9 September for tributes to The Queen. At the start of the sittings in both chambers, there was a minute's silence after prayers. 

Both Houses continued to pay tribute on Saturday 10 September. In each House at the start of business, a small number of senior members took the oath to His Majesty The King. At the end of proceedings on Saturday, each House agreed a message of condolence to His Majesty King Charles III.

Parliament extends its sympathies to the Royal Family

The House of Commons, the House of Lords and everyone at UK Parliament extend their sympathies to the Royal Family. 

Statement from the Speaker of the House of Commons, The Rt Hon. Sir Lindsay Hoyle:

'For all of us, the Queen has been a constant presence in our lives – as familiar as a member of the family, yet one who has exercised a calm and steadying influence over our country. Most of us have never known a time when she was not there. Her death is not only a tragedy for the Royal family, but a terrible loss for us all.

During her 70 years on the throne – and even before that, as a teenager, reassuring and engaging with children and families disrupted by the Second World War – she has given our lives a sense of equilibrium. While her reign has been marked by dramatic changes in the world, Her Majesty has maintained her unwavering devotion to the UK, the British Overseas Territories and the Commonwealth of Nations - and her gentle authority and sound reason have been felt throughout.

She has travelled the world extensively, modernised the Royal family, and is credited with inventing the royal ‘walkabout’, which enabled her to meet people from all walks of life during her visits. As Head of State, she has provided advice and the benefit of long experience to 15 prime ministers during her reign – and met more than a quarter of all the American presidents in the history of the US.

The Queen has been involved in everything that is important to us and which makes us who we are - from state occasions to Royal weddings, and especially at Christmas, with her wise words and reflective annual message.

She has been a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother - but she has been our Queen, and we will miss her beyond measure.'

Statement from the Lord Speaker, The Rt Hon. Lord McFall of Alcluith:

'Following the death of the Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the nation and the whole Commonwealth is united in deep mourning.

For 70 years she has been a loyal and steadfast presence in the national life of the United Kingdom.

Her integrity, unique record of public service, deep sense of faith and commitment to her role have ensured that she will be regarded as a supreme example of a constitutional Monarch.

Her vital relationship with our Chamber, where the three elements of Parliament come together during the State Opening, ensures that she will be forever remembered and cherished by the House of Lords.

Today my thoughts, and indeed those of the whole House, will go out to His Majesty the King and to the members of the Royal family, for whom this feeling of loss will be profound.

Today the nation reflects on the service Queen Elizabeth II gave to the Crown and to her people, and gives thanks for her life.

Members may wish to be aware that information about arrangements for the House will be issued by Black Rod and the House authorities shortly.

In fondest remembrance of a Queen dedicated to Her nation and Her people.'

Image: Copyright House of Lords 2022 / Photography by Annabel Moeller