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Read all the UK Parliament news for 2023.

Total results 1529 (page 59 of 102)
Sylw i ddarlledu chwaraeon a chynhyrchu teledu wrth i ASau archwilio darlledu yng Nghymru
Mae’r Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn parhau â’i ymchwiliad ar Ddarlledu yng Nghymru
01 June 2023
Sports broadcasting and television production under the spotlight as MPs examine broadcasting in Wales
Welsh Affairs Committee continues its inquiry on Broadcasting in Wales
01 June 2023
MPs to debate proposed statutory duty of care in higher education
MPs to debate statutory duty of care from higher education providers towards students
31 May 2023
Government accepts almost all of FAC’s recommendations in “Refreshing our approach?”
Foreign Affairs Committee publishes the Government Response to the Committee’s report “Refreshing our approach? Updating the Integrated Review”
31 May 2023
VAT rules could change on battery storage when installed after solar panels
Technological innovations and climate change: Onshore solar energy - EAC publishes correspondence from the Energy Security Secretary
30 May 2023
Economics of music streaming: Government accepts CMS Committee recommendation on industry remuneration working group
Economics of music streaming: Government accepts CMS Committee recommendation on industry remuneration working group
30 May 2023
Image of the House of Commons Chamber
The House of Commons rises for Whitsun recess 
The House of Commons adjourned on Thursday 25 May for Whitsun recess and will next sit on Monday 5 June at 2.30pm
26 May 2023
How can the Government spur on export growth? Committee reveals inquiry terms
Business and Trade Committee launches inquiry into export-led growth
26 May 2023
Four short debates in the Lords
Members discuss prisons and probation, grey squirrels, British Overseas Territories and assistive technology in education. Catch up
26 May 2023
Levelling up policy will fail without long-term substantive funding for councils, say MPs
Committee publishes their report, Funding for levelling up
26 May 2023
Spring Session of NATO Parliamentary Assembly takes place in Luxembourg
A cross-party delegation of MPs and Peers participated in the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, from 19-22 May in Luxembourg
26 May 2023
UK Government tells MPs that it is committed to “placing the UK at the forefront” of floating offshore wind
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes Government Response to Floating offshore wind in Wales
26 May 2023
 Llywodraeth y DU yn dweud wrth ASau ei bod wedi ymrwymo i "roi’r DU ar flaen y gad" o ran gwynt alltraeth arnofiol
Ymateb y Llywodraeth: Gwynt Alltraeth Arnofiol yng Nghymru
26 May 2023
Global strategy needed for countries who host refugees
International Development Committee publishes Report on UK aid for refugee host countries
25 May 2023
Northern Ireland (Interim Arrangements) Bill completes passage through Parliament
Members complete Lords stages. Catch up
25 May 2023
Total results 1529 (page 59 of 102)