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Three short debates in the Lords

24 February 2023

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The House of Lords discussed changes to Police & Crime Panels, rural health care and UK-Iran relations in three short debates on Thursday 23 February.

Lords Thursday debates  

One Thursday each month, the House of Lords holds short debates in Grand Committee.

On Thursday 23 February, members debated the following subjects:  

Police and Crime Panels

Members quizzed the government on changes to the structure, purpose and powers of Police and Crime Panels at 1pm, in a debate put forward by Lord Bach (Labour).

Rural health care

Members scrutinised the delivery of health care services in rural areas at 2pm, in a debate proposed by Baroness McIntosh of Pickering (Conservative).

UK-Iran relations

Members questioned the government on its prorities for the conduct of British-Iranian relations at 3pm, in a debate put forward by Lord Alton of Liverpool (Crossbench).  

Get involved 

Watch the debates on Parliament TV or read the Lords Hansard transcripts.

Short debates  

Questions for Short Debate are an opportunity for members to draw the government’s attention to concerns and hold it to account. They last for about 60 minutes, a minister or spokesperson responds on behalf of the government at the end.  

Image: Sina Drakhshani / Unsplash