What's on in the Lords 23-26 January
20 January 2023 (updated on 20 January 2023)
Coming up this week in Lords questions, members press the government on trade union discussions, girls' education in Afghanistan, 'Levelling-Up' funding, and rape reporting and prosecution rates.
Detailed checks begin of the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill, the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill and the Financial Services and Markets Bill. Members will continue to debate and make changes to the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill at report stage.
Look out for debates on Thursday on the resilience of the armed forces, an independent review of net zero, and the life changes and educational prospects of vulnerable teenagers.
Read on for more.
Catch up
From 2.30pm
Members pressed the government for 40 minutes on:
- changes to workers' rights set out in the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill
- the Taliban's commitments to allow women and girls access to work and education
- allocation of 'Levelling-Up' funding
- rape reporting, prosecution and conviction rates.
Committee stage of the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill began.
Members considered regulations on environmental targets and a motion to regret the regulations.
Away from the chamber, in Grand Committee, members debated regulations on:
- civil contingencies
- Russia sanctions
- legal aid for cases involving accomodation of asylum seekers
- legal aid for certain cases regarding family and domestic abuse
- structural changes to local government.
From 2.30pm
The House of Lords quizzed the government on:
- asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iran and Sudan
- Universal Credit and benefit caps
- impact of the economic situation on the hospitality industry
- efficacy of the process for bidding to the Levelling Up Fund.
Committee stage of the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill began.
The House debated a 'motion to regret' regulations on NHS dental services.
From 3pm
Members challenged the government on:
- the impact of inflation on local councils
- accountability of Police and Crime Commissioners
- expenditure for faulty personal protective equipment (PPE)
- official transgender guidance for schools.
Report stage of the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill began.
In Grand Committee, work away from the chamber, members began line by line check of the Financial Services and Markets Bill at committee stage.
Members considered regulations on the Health and Social Care Information Centre.
From 11am
Members pressed the government for 40 minutes on:
- UK manufacturing following the UK's exit from the EU
- reforms to the Mental Health Act 1983
- the needs of autistic pupils in secondary schools
- allowing women in Afghanistan to work with NGOs.
After questions, members debated three reports on:
- resilience of the armed forces
- net zero
- life chances and educational prospects of vulnerable teenagers.
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Image: copyright House of Lords / photography by Roger Harris