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Lords concludes examination of Non-Domestic Rating Bill

17 October 2023


The Non-Domestic Rating Bill was given Royal Assent on Thursday 26 October and is now an Act of Parliament (law).

The Non-Domestic Rating Bill is a government bill that would make changes to business rates. It would reduce the time between property revaluations, impose a duty on businesses to notify the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) of changes that could affect a property’s rateable value, and introduce rates reliefs for improvements to property and heat networks.

Third reading

Third reading is the chance for members to ‘tidy up' a bill, making small changes to ensure it is effective.   

No amendments were put forward ahead of third reading. Members discussed the progress of the bill through the House at the conclusion of Lords stages.   

Catch up

Explore further information

Read background on the bill in the House of Lords Library Non-Domestic Rating Bill briefing.

What's happened so far?

Report stage: Tuesday 19 October

Proposed changes

Members speaking at report stage put forward amendments (changes) to the bill to be discussed. 

The amendments cover a range of subjects, including: 

  • reviewing of the non-domestic rating systems
  • non-domestic rates avoidance arrangements
  • rate reliefs for energy efficiency improvements. 

Catch up

Committee stage: Monday 3 July

Committee stage is the first chance to check the bill in detail and make changes.

Proposed changes

Members speaking at committee stage put forward amendments (PDF) (changes) to the bill to be discussed. 

The amendments covered a range of subjects, including: 

  • energy efficiency improvements
  • transparency of the VOA
  • reporting on VOA resources.

Catch up

Second reading: Monday 19 June

During second readingmembers discussed the main issues in the bill and flagged up any concerns or specific areas where they think amendments (changes) are needed.

Topics covered during the debate included:

  • performance of the Valuation Office Agency
  • the reduction in time between property revaluations
  • local authority investment in business and economic growth.

Members speaking

Baroness Scott of Bybrook (Conservative), the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Faith and Communities, opened the debate and responded on behalf of the government. 

Members speaking in the debate included: 

  • The Earl of Lytton (Crossbench), chair of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors' Boundaries and Party Walls Professional Panel
  • Baroness Thornhill (Liberal Democrat), Mayor of Watford
  • Baroness Hayman of Ullock (Labour), Shadow Spokesperson for Levelling Up, Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Watch and read the debate

Find out more about the issues discussed: catch up on Parliament TV or read the Lords Hansard transcript.  

Image: Unsplash