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September 2023

Read all the UK Parliament news for September 2023.

Total results 31221 (page 138 of 2082)
Image of UK Parliament portcullis
Scrutiny of secondary legislation laid to tackle coronavirus pandemic
The Committee will be considering statutory instruments laid to tackle coronavirus pandemic
12 June 2023
MPs  standing in front of a building with the sign John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly visit Washington D.C.
A cross-party delegation of MPs from the United Kingdom Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly visited Washington D.C. last week as part of ongoing inquiries
12 June 2023
Home Secretary questioned on policing, asylum and immigration
Home Secretary questioned on policing, asylum and immigration
12 June 2023
MPs to debate VAT on audiobooks
MPs to debate VAT on audiobooks
12 June 2023
MPs to debate the Government’s policies on migration
MPs to debate the Government’s policies on migration
12 June 2023
MPs to hold a debate on appraisals for cancer medicines
MPs to hold a debate on appraisals for cancer medicines
12 June 2023
MPs to hold a debate on Pride Month
MPs to hold a debate on Pride Month
12 June 2023
No case for routinely offering asylum to claimants from ‘safe’ Albania – Home Affairs Committee
No case for routinely offering asylum to claimants from ‘safe’ Albania – Home Affairs Committee
11 June 2023
Widespread human rights failings must be addressed in Illegal Migration Bill, Human Rights Committee finds
Joint Committee finds that the legislation would deny access to the asylum system to the vast majority of refugees coming to the UK
10 June 2023
Coming up in the Commons 12-16 June
Find out what's coming up in the House of Commons 12-16 June
09 June 2023
What's on in the Lords 12-16 June
Questions, legislations and debates: discover what's on in the House of Lords this week.
09 June 2023
Trade and Foreign Office ministers to face MPs on scrutiny of international treaties
Trade and Foreign Office ministers to face MPs on scrutiny of international treaties
09 June 2023
Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru ac elusennau cyn-filwyr i roi tystiolaeth i ASau
Y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn cynnal sesiwn dystiolaeth untro yn archwilio rôl newydd Comisiynydd Cyn-filwyr Cymru
09 June 2023
Veterans’ Commissioner for Wales and veterans’ charities to give evidence to MPs  
Welsh Affairs Committee holds a one-off evidence session examining the new role of the Veterans’ Commissioner for Wales
09 June 2023
Scope of investment zones and freeports inquiry revealed by Business Committee
Scope of investment zones and freeports inquiry revealed by Business Committee
09 June 2023
Total results 31221 (page 138 of 2082)