September 2023
Read all the UK Parliament news for September 2023.
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on dialysis care outcomes
MPs to hold a general debate on dialysis care outcomes
25 April 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on World Press Freedom Day 2022
MPs to hold a general debate on World Press Freedom Day 2022
25 April 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on progress towards the Government’s smokefree 2030 ambition
MPs to hold a general debate on progress towards the Government’s smokefree 2030 ambition
25 April 2022
MPs to hold a general debate on childhood cancer outcomes
MPs to hold a general debate on childhood cancer outcomes
25 April 2022
International travel must not be singled out in future pandemic restrictions, urge MPs
Transport Committee sets out steps for Government to future-proof aviation sector
24 April 2022
Saving for later life: Work and Pensions Committee to question master trusts and pension companies
MPs will question representatives from master trusts and pension companies in the third oral evidence session of the inquiry into saving for later life
22 April 2022
Sut y gall grid ynni Cymru fod yn barod ar gyfer sero net, o ystyried y cynnydd mewn cynlluniau adnewyddadwy yn y dyfodol?
Bydd y sesiwn yn archwilio goblygiadau materion yn ymwneud â chapasiti grid ar gyfer y sector ynni yng Nghymru, a sut y mae hyn yn effeithio ar dargedau sero net Cymru
22 April 2022
How can Wales’ energy grid become net zero ready for the increase of renewable projects?
MPs will explore the implications of grid capacity issues for the energy sector in Wales, and how this impacts Wales' net zero targets
22 April 2022
MPs explore whether society lotteries pose a threat to National Lottery
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee examines whether changes increasing the annual sales limits for these lotteries pose a threat to the National Lottery
22 April 2022
Coming up in the Commons 25-29 April
Find out what’s coming up in the House of Commons Chamber 25-29 April
22 April 2022
MPs content with new water regulation boss – with observations
Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee publishes Pre-appointment Hearing: Chair of Ofwat report
22 April 2022
Minister questioned on Levelling Up and Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee examines how new policies in the UK Government’s Levelling Up White Paper could benefit Northern Ireland
22 April 2022
MPs investigate Government’s proposed changes to post-16 education
Education Committee examine the future of post-16 qualifications
22 April 2022
Minister questioned on consumer and competition regime reform plans
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee examines the Government’s plans
22 April 2022
The UK Asylum Process: Do vulnerable groups have access to services?
The House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee holds the fourth evidence session of its inquiry into Equality and the UK asylum process.
22 April 2022